The team at Meyerland Animal Clinic is passionate about providing compassionate wellness care to ensure that your pet is always feeling their best.
Our expert team is experienced in wellness care for animals of all breeds and ages. We understand that veterinary care is not one-size-fits-all, so we make it our mission to design individualized treatment plans that are specific to your pet’s needs.
Dental Disease
Our excellent veterinarians will sit down and get to know you and your pet in order to try and understand how their lifestyle might affect their overall wellness. The staff at Meyerland Animal Clinic loves getting to know our clients and their pets. We build personal relationships with everyone that comes to us for care because we believe our patients are our family! It is so important that pet owners feel completely comfortable with their veterinarians so that they can feel free to ask questions about their pet’s health and get the information they need.
Prevention is Key
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The best way to treat a medical emergency is to prevent one! That is why we always perform thorough examinations when you bring your pet in for a wellness checkup. It is so important to detect any issues before they arise. We recommend vaccinating your pet to prevent the spread of disease among both animals and people. We also recommend certain medications to prevent ticks and parasites such as fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites. We offer lab work for older pets to try and detect any issues early on and be treated effectively.
Our expert team can also guide you on how to properly care for your pet at home by advising a proper nutrition and exercise regimen. It may also be recommended that your pet should take a supplement regimen to help them feel their best. Our office provides behavioral counseling for pet’s who may need help adjusting to a new environment or a new stage of life. If you feel your pet may benefit from behavioral counseling, call our office today to request more information.
Home Care